Work with at least one other person from the class. If you are doing a group project, work with your (entire) group. If you are doing an individual project, find someone else to work with.
Working together, draft a short survey: about 10 questions. If at all possible, it should be related to your project, regardless of whether you actually plan to make this a part of your project. These can be related to the questions in your interview, if you wish. (If you are working with someone on another project, come up with a common topic to work on together.)
Once you think you have a stable draft, pre-test it on at least 3 people. You want them to be as much like your target users as possible, although time and other constraints may mean that you only use your fellow students. Then revise the survey, if necessary, based on your pre-tests.
Turn in:
A short rationale: what is the purpose (1) of your project, (2) of this survey? What information do you want to get, and WHY? How will you use this information once you get it?
Not including the questionnaires, this should be approximately 5 pages.
Be sure you attach both versions of the questionnaire.